Crape myrtle in the front yard
Lizzy and I painted these; her's is the large house, and mine is the small house.
When Bill walks with me, we get out early. This holiday weekend we get four days of walking together. It is much more fun walking with Bill. I love the coolness of the early morning.
Adam was able to get of work just in time for the fireworks. He met up with us just outside the park gate and saved the $8:00 entrance fee, since we have a river/park pass.
Bill always brings glow sticks.We have an almost secret place on the driving range where we watch the fireworks. A few other people know about it; however, they stay at the edge on the pavement. Sprinklers go off about the time the fireworks show begins, but those people on the edge do not realize that only the first row of sprinklers go off, and once you are past those, you are safe from getting wet.