Sunday, July 14, 2019

Pro LIfe Baby's Voice Buttons

My brother makes these buttons.
If anyone wants one, I will send them one.


Friday, July 5, 2019

Independence Day 2019

Photos from my sons phone
What a perfect day – the weather was pleasant, around 88°F.

Late morning, we headed up the mountain to Pollock Pines, CA 
to watch a small town parade with an old friend.

That evening, we had a traditional 4th of July dinner celebration.
Corn on the cob
Potato Salad
Hamburgers on the grill
Ice Cream
(Sorry, No Apple Pie)

I fell to sleep watching The Patriot, had to rest up for the late night fireworks.
The show started at 9:45 PM – 19 amazing minutes of fireworks.

It was a wonderful 4th of July holiday.


Tuesday, July 2, 2019

He Shed, She Shed

~ Our Two Sheds ~
~ This Shed is His ~
~ This Shed is Mine ~

My little studio.

We build his shed.
It came as a "KIT"; we thought that meant that parts of it would be preassembled.
Wrong! Not only were no part of it preassembled. but also the pieces were unmarked.
It took us a week to get it ready for roofing.

The kit did not include foundation materials, paint, or shingles.
Coffee Break

When we bought my shed,

Many parts were preassembled.
Labor was included in the price, as well as the foundation materials and the shingles.
It came prepainted, as well.
It took 3 men 8 hours to build my studio.

We chose to upgrade the solid doors to French doors and had two side windows added.

My son built the deck for me.