Friday, July 18, 2014

Seeing Pink

Crape myrtle in the front yard

Lizzy and I painted these; her's is the large house, and mine is the small house.


Thursday, July 17, 2014

Summertime Fun

Plans for the coming weekend:
Going to the state fair
Picnic in the park

We are enjoying cooler weather because of the delta breeze. 
This weekend's forecast calls for partly cloudy skies
with temperatures around 92 degrees.
Here's hoping for continued delta breeze blessings.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Something to Make Me Smile

I got an email message (with attached photo) from Reggie today saying, "I was in a room and saw this hanging on the wall and it totally reminded me of you! ... And I guess that's uncle Bill in the back. :D"

It put a smile on my face.
Thanks, Reggie!

Monday, July 14, 2014

Where Butterflies Flutter By

Butterflies frequently pass through this section of our yard.
The temperature rose to 108 degrees today.

Summertime dinner at our house is often tortillas.

I dreamed about lions, and when I woke, this verse came to my mind.

The young lions do lack, and suffer hunger: 
but they that seek the Lord shall not want any good thing.
Psalm 34:10

Psalm 34 is a great chapter to memorize.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Diet Inspiration

 My daughter made delicious looking chocolate cupcakes this morning.
I did not eat any.
Instead, I had a piece of sugarless gum and a glass of lemon water.
This add was my inspiration to keep on my diet.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Walk Away the Pounds - Fat Burning Miles

Walk Strong is 33 minutes equal to a two mile brisk walk.
It includes using weights, if you choose.

I like this workout because Leslie makes you feel good about any level you choose to workout, with or without using weight. And if you just need to walk and not include the additional exercises, she encourages that, too. 

This is a group of women doing this workout, one without the weights. I don't have weights, but as you can see by the sweat in this photo, I still got a good workout. And at the same time, I can say that it is really not a difficult workout.

This 33 minute workout is easy to fit into my morning.  There is also a 20 minute Power Mile, which I have not done but might try some morning when I don't want to spend too much time on a workout.


Thursday, July 10, 2014

My Little Sandwich Maker

Lizzy started working at Subway this week.To help Lizzy get practice, Jonathan went in to order a couple of sandwiches. He ordered one and ate it there. Then he ordered a second to bring home. That way she had extra practice not only making a sandwich, but also using the cash register.



Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Morning in My Kitchen

I came into the kitchen this morning to iron a shirt for Bill. I felt so happy in this simple little kitchen; 
the cozy light made me want to take a picture.
I did not walk this morning. 
Yesterday, my legs were so tight and swollen that my husband said I should gibe them a rest.
I have had many new irons, but my favorite is this old iron I found.
On top of being a great iron, its pretty, too.

And, by the way, I realize those picture plates on the wall are uneven. 
The one on the left got knocked down the other day, and it was rehung by someone other than me.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Oh What a Beautiful Morning

This morning’s walk completed the first of six weeks.
When Bill walks with me, we get out early. This holiday weekend we get four days of walking together. It is much more fun walking with Bill. I love the coolness of the early morning.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

4th of July

On the Menu:
Mother's Potato Salad
Iced Tea
Ice Cream
Lizzy's cake was so moist and delicious!

The fireworks show was spectacular!
I wished I had my camera. Why did I not take it! 
Adam was able to get of work just in time for the fireworks. He met up with us just outside the park gate and saved the $8:00 entrance fee, since we have a river/park pass.
We have an almost secret place on the driving range where we watch the fireworks. A few other people know about it; however, they stay at the edge on the pavement. Sprinklers go off about the time the fireworks show begins, but those people on the edge do not realize that only the first row of sprinklers go off, and once you are past those, you are safe from getting wet.
Bill always brings glow sticks.
