Wednesday, February 3, 2016

My Little Bunny

Oh yum!

My little Bunny decorated these happy cupcakes.
She is such a joy.
I am really going to miss having her around someday when she leaves home.

 She does not like me to take photos of her, 
but she will allow a picture of her feet.
So, I take what I can get.

 We have many happy morning walks together...

 Walks and coffee.
 Don't go, Bunny, don't go!


  1. Oh boy, do they look yummy! And pretty!
    Those pictures are really cool. I especially like the one with the sun shining through the trees.

  2. Oh boy, do they look yummy! And pretty!
    Those pictures are really cool. I especially like the one with the sun shining through the trees.

  3. Hi Hope, this is a special post. Love the walking shots of you and your dear daughter. Love the cupcakes and the little sprinkles. Sounds like you both are good friends too. Have a blessed day!! xo

  4. Such fun photos and those cupcakes look delicious. Your daughter obviously has your 'domestic goddess' genes.

  5. What a sweet post, my friend. Your bunny did a fabulous job decorating the cupcakes. When I pulled up your page the photo jumped out at me and I was wishing a cupcake could jump out too {{smiles}}

    Have a lovely day! Hugs!

  6. What a sweet post, my friend. Your bunny did a fabulous job decorating the cupcakes. When I pulled up your page the photo jumped out at me and I was wishing a cupcake could jump out too {{smiles}}

    Have a lovely day! Hugs!

  7. So sweet. Those are some beautiful cupcakes.

  8. OOh, those cupcakes look delicious! It is bittersweet enjoying the time with your daughter knowing that she may be leaving, and I feel for you. I have two teenagers now myself, and I look at those days ahead and wonder how I will do it, but then I realize that my hope is in the Lord, and I must not cross that bridge until it comes, and to just enjoy today. Soo... enjoy every moment, and I will too. :)

  9. :) cute post :) I bet bunny is very proud to have a lovely mother like you!

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  10. I just love the photos of your feet, you will laugh about those for many years to come and have many special memories together.

  11. {{{big, big smiles}}}---I feel the same way about my soon to be 19 yr old. Blessings sweet friend.

  12. Believe it or not, for much of my life, I detested appearing on camera, too, and was very, very shy about (my mom still got tons of snaps of me as a small child though!), only warming up to it my later 20s, in no small part because Tony was the one behind the camera. Even to this day, if he's not, I'm very shy and self-conscious about appearing on (digital) film, so I can relate to your daughter. Perhaps as more time goes on, she too will come to feel at ease in front of the lens.

    Many hugs & happy weekend wishes,
    ♥ Jessica

    *PS* Still computer-less, but the new one is slated to arrive around the end of the month (at long last), which I'm thoroughly looking forward to.

  13. Believe it or not, for much of my life, I detested appearing on camera, too, and was very, very shy about (my mom still got tons of snaps of me as a small child though!), only warming up to it my later 20s, in no small part because Tony was the one behind the camera. Even to this day, if he's not, I'm very shy and self-conscious about appearing on (digital) film, so I can relate to your daughter. Perhaps as more time goes on, she too will come to feel at ease in front of the lens.

    Many hugs & happy weekend wishes,
    ♥ Jessica

    *PS* Still computer-less, but the new one is slated to arrive around the end of the month (at long last), which I'm thoroughly looking forward to.
