Wednesday, July 20, 2016

This Just In

Oh happy day, my youngest son just got his high school exit test results. 
He passed! 
He is now graduated from high school! 
 He took the test June 18. Up until then, we were busy with studies. 
So, summer did not officially begin for us until Sunday June 19. 
 In all the years of home schooling my five children (it all began in 1992 when my first child was nearly five years old), we never took off more than two solid weeks of summer. Over the past month, I have been enjoying summer more than ever. Finally, so much time to relax in the pool to my heart’s content and go for long walks. 
Boy, am I one happy mama!


  1. Oh how exciting for you all! You must be an excellent teacher! It is always a joy to see our 'children' do well and enter into the next phase of their lives. Congratulations to your son. Congratulations to you, Hope, for all the hard work you have put into his life and success. Xx

  2. Congratulations to your son, my friend!
    And to you as well!!!
    What a wonderful gift you have given your children throughout these years.
    Job well done.

  3. Congratulations to your son, my friend!
    And to you as well!!!
    What a wonderful gift you have given your children throughout these years.
    Job well done.

  4. Awesome! Congratulations to your son, Hope!! So very happy for him and you as well...

  5. Congratulations! What a proud and happy day.

  6. Congratulations! What a proud and happy day.

  7. Congratulations, Hope! I hope you're putting your feet up and enjoying the day! :)

  8. Hi Hope and Congrats to your son on his passing of the high school testing and graduating. A job well done and you are an amazing mother to homeschool and work so hard all these years. It pays off when you see wonderful young people accomplish so much. Time for you to relax and enjoy summer!! Have a great weekend ahead. Blessings xo

  9. Three cheers for your son, my friend! What an exciting time for him and for you :)

    Thank you ever so much for the lovely visit to my blog...oh, how I love reading your comments as they always brighten my day. Wouldn't it be grand to have a sewing day together!

    Love to you!

  10. Three cheers for your son, my friend! What an exciting time for him and for you :)

    Thank you ever so much for the lovely visit to my blog...oh, how I love reading your comments as they always brighten my day. Wouldn't it be grand to have a sewing day together!

    Love to you!

  11. Many wonderfully happy congratulations to your son on passing his exams and graduating. I'm sure that was an incredibly joyous event for your whole family. Wishing him nothing but the best as he moves forward with the next chapter of his life.

    Many hugs,
    ♥ Jessica

  12. Many wonderfully happy congratulations to your son on passing his exams and graduating. I'm sure that was an incredibly joyous event for your whole family. Wishing him nothing but the best as he moves forward with the next chapter of his life.

    Many hugs,
    ♥ Jessica
