Sunday, December 2, 2012

The Gingerbread House

On Friday evening, my daughter wanted to go out and purchase a gingerbread house kit so that the two of us could make it that night.

This was a first time experience of me.

We applied the frosting and set up the sides. Next, we frosted the roof into place and began by decorating the ridge top.

After decorating the roof, the front, and the back, we realized the sidewall was slanting inward. I suggested just leaving it, but my daughter argued against that. I lifted the house, and she made the adjustment.

We set it back into place, but then the roof separated and the candies along the ridge began sinking. No soon than we had shoved the roof piece back together, then the wall fell in.

My daughter exclaimed, “Mother, this is ALL your fault!”

“Oh yes,” I said laughing, “how very convenient.” Then we both burst into laughter.

In a desperate attempt to salvage our project, we disassembled the house and rebuilt the sides. After giving the frosting sufficient time to set, we frosted the roof into place again.

Finishing our project, we sat back and basked in the wonder of our achievement. My daughter said, “It really was not your fault, Mother. I was my fault. I should have listened to you at the beginning when you said to wait before putting the roof on.” I knew she never really blamed me.

What fun it was to spend this time together. It was nearly midnight when we went to bed.

Overall, I think it turned out looking pretty good - for a near disaster.

24 hours later… the children ate the gingerbread house.


  1. It looks awesome!!! :) I can't wait to make one this year. :)

  2. That sounds like such a tremendously lovely holiday memory. It's been a good many years since I last tackled a gingerbread house - perhaps somewhere around the age of 14 or so. They're so, so fun - no matter if they turn out looking like works of art or not, and the very best part is that no matter what, you get to eat your creation at some point! :)

    ♥ Jessica

  3. It looks wonderful! I remember having the same problem when I made my first gingerbread house :) Have a nice Monday!

