Friday, February 8, 2013

That White Stuff . . .The albedo of cit­rus

I'm talking about the white layer under the orange peel . . .  Did you know that it is good for you?

One day, a friend, watching me eat "the white stuff" - properly called albedo - commented on how healthful it was to eat.

Really! I have always eaten it simply because I love it; it is especially entertaining when I am dieting and cannot have anything more to eat. (I do the same with lemons.)

Homegrown oranges and lemons seem to have a thicker and sweeter layer of albedo. In fact, even the peels are pretty tasty. (You are cautioned not to eat the peels of store bought oranges because they are often dyed, waxed, and contains allergenic substances.)

The albedo is a great source of pectin, which is said to lower cholesterol, control blood sugar,  and even curb appetite - suppressing hunger for several hours. The albedo also contains limonene, glucarate, which the body uses to fight cancer.

Read more, here, about why you should . . . Quit picking the white stuff off citrus


  1. I had no idea that the white part is good for you. Good to know. :)

  2. Hope, great post! I've always enjoyed the white stuff on an orange! Thank you for the link. Have a great weekend!

  3. What a terrific tidbit of information. I always leave the white part on and am happy to know it's good for you. You've got me craving a citrus fruit salad now. :)

    ♥ Jessica

  4. What a terrific tidbit of information. I always leave the white part on and am happy to know it's good for you. You've got me craving a citrus fruit salad now. :)

    ♥ Jessica

  5. Hi Hope!
    I just love the "white stuff" but how good to know that it curbs the appetite! I could use to eat more of that! :)
    Have a wonderful week-end!

    Blessings, Debbie

  6. Hi Hope!
    I just love the "white stuff" but how good to know that it curbs the appetite! I could use to eat more of that! :)
    Have a wonderful week-end!

    Blessings, Debbie

  7. Oh yum! The picture of your orange is making my mouth water! It looks so tasty and juicy :) The oranges we get here aren't that great - they lack a lot of flavor.

    Anyway, I hope you have had a wonderful weekend!

    Love and hugs,

  8. Oh yum! The picture of your orange is making my mouth water! It looks so tasty and juicy :) The oranges we get here aren't that great - they lack a lot of flavor.

    Anyway, I hope you have had a wonderful weekend!

    Love and hugs,

  9. Oh....I just LOVE your photo! :D I eat just about everything when it comes to fruit and veggies. I don't want to miss out on ANY of the goodies.

    I am sorry to hear what has been going on with you, my friend. Please email me!


  10. Oh....I just LOVE your photo! :D I eat just about everything when it comes to fruit and veggies. I don't want to miss out on ANY of the goodies.

    I am sorry to hear what has been going on with you, my friend. Please email me!

