Friday, December 23, 2016

Early Chirstmas

~ A pre-Christmas breakfast ~
Last night our five children were all home.
We hopped into the van with a box of See's chocolates and headed downtown.
Stopping at McDonald's, we got 7 large coffees.
Then off we went to look at the Fabulous Forties light display.
The Fab Forties neighborhood is part of the East Sacramento district. President Ronald Reagan lived at 1341 45th Street while serving most of his term as Governor of California. The "Fab '40s" is the historic terminus of a once extensive streetcar network that covered nearly all the historic neighborhoods of the city. Forty-sixth street at J Street was the turnaround point for the J Street Line making it one of the widest streets in East Sacramento. The lots between 38th and 46th Streets and bordered by J Street and Folsom Boulevard are among the largest in East Sacramento, creating the concentration of larger houses that gave rise to the area's name.

Since this was the only time we could get all five children together this Christmas weekend,
we opened our gifts when we returned home.
What a joyous celebration we had!

we had a table just like that in our living room... my dad still has it!:
 {Pine Branch Frame}

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