Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Lady in Spring Hat
I have not had much time to use the computer lately. 
I stayed up until 1:45 last night (actually - this morning)...
Slept on the couch and got up at 5:00 A.M..

This is what I have been up to...
Creating new cards.

My sister is always asking me why I don't make my own cards.
I am sending a sets of these to my sisters for Christmas gifts.



  1. Oh what a gorgeous picture. You have such an amazing talent, Hope. This will make a lovely card.

  2. BEAUTIFUL!! (squealing with delight)---you have such talent....beautiful. Have a lovely Thursday, Hope. Blessings

  3. Your cards are gorgeous and you are an incredible artist. Thank you for sharing. Your sister will love her gift. Thank you also for stopping by from RIS and leaving such a sweet comment. Wishing you a special day and a very Merry Christmas.
    Nice to meet you. Hugs

  4. Beautiful image, sweet Hope. That would be the perfect Easter hat (and you just know I'd wear it in a heartbeat! :)).

    Many hugs & happy weekend wishes,
    ♥ Jessica

  5. You are so talented. I love your artwork. They are surely going to be cherished by your sisters. Maybe even to the point of not wanting to use them because they are so special. Years ago I bought some notecards at a craft sale much like that one you made. It had a real feather glued to the hat. They were so cute that I never wanted to use them! In fact, I think I still have them.
    Happy creating, Hope....but get some sleep!

  6. Oh Hope, this is stunning! I just LOVE seeing your artwork as you are amazingly talented.

    Happy weekend, dear one. Hugs to you!
