Monday, June 13, 2016

Cottage Garden

~ Garden Lettuce ~

It has been such a treat to cut lettuce from the garden.
It has no bugs, and because my husband planted it in a raised planter box, 
no snails have attacked it.

~ Pink Poppy ~
Flowers and vegetables grown in his greenhouse nursery


  1. Oh that lettuce looks so good, Hope!! The poppy is very pretty...smiles

  2. So nice to be able to enjoy the fruits of your labor...or in this case, the "veggies" of your labor!

  3. Oh my, there isn't anything quite like eating from one's own organic garden, is there? And your garden seems to be doing quite well! : - )

    God's blessing and bounty be yours! Thanks for your visit and sweet comment! ♥

  4. Oh my, there isn't anything quite like eating from one's own organic garden, is there? And your garden seems to be doing quite well! : - )

    God's blessing and bounty be yours! Thanks for your visit and sweet comment! ♥

  5. There is nothing more satisfying nor delicious as eating the produce from one's own garden. I love your pretty pink Poppy.

  6. Yay for no snails. When I was first married and very new in the kitchen a friend of mine gave me some lettuce she had grown in her garden. I had never had fresh-from-the-garden produce before and when I started washing it I found several slugs and oh my, I was so grossed out! It took me forever to want to grow a garden of my own {{smiles}} Thanks to the Lord I have grown a little since then :)

    Enjoy, sweet friend. Hugs!

  7. Yay for no snails. When I was first married and very new in the kitchen a friend of mine gave me some lettuce she had grown in her garden. I had never had fresh-from-the-garden produce before and when I started washing it I found several slugs and oh my, I was so grossed out! It took me forever to want to grow a garden of my own {{smiles}} Thanks to the Lord I have grown a little since then :)

    Enjoy, sweet friend. Hugs!

  8. How truly wonderful to have your own garden and to be able to tuck into the fruits (and vegetables! :)) of your labours. I think we've lost something huge as a society that so few (relatively speaking) folks are still able - or have a desire to - keep gardens. They've been with us for thousands of years and used to help offset (if not nearly entirely cover) grocery bills, which would sure be a huge boon to many these days, with the ever steeper price of food.

    Your garden looks gorgeous (I can all but taste that crisp, beautiful lettuce just seeing it) and I hope that you guys continue to have a healthy, abundant crop all summer long.

    Many hugs,
    ♥ Jessica

  9. How truly wonderful to have your own garden and to be able to tuck into the fruits (and vegetables! :)) of your labours. I think we've lost something huge as a society that so few (relatively speaking) folks are still able - or have a desire to - keep gardens. They've been with us for thousands of years and used to help offset (if not nearly entirely cover) grocery bills, which would sure be a huge boon to many these days, with the ever steeper price of food.

    Your garden looks gorgeous (I can all but taste that crisp, beautiful lettuce just seeing it) and I hope that you guys continue to have a healthy, abundant crop all summer long.

    Many hugs,
    ♥ Jessica
