Saturday, October 13, 2012

The Joys of Autumn

1929 October
Source: Pinterest

picnic in an orchard
Source: Pinterest

Crisp autumn days, apple picking, cozy kitchens
A time to give thanks


  1. Good morning beautiful lady,

    This post is so tremendously lovely! We'd had sunshine like that gracing wonderful fall photos up until last night, but so far the clouds are winning this morning. No bother, it's an "at home" day, anyway. :)

    Thank you deeply for your beautiful anniversary wishes, Hope, they really mean a lot to me and Tony.

    Hugs & blessings,
    ♥ Jessica

  2. What a lovely post - the picture on the 'Good Housekeeping' magazine is so precious and your apple pie looks AMAZING! And I love the leaves on it. I hope you are having a good weekend :)


  3. There's my beautiful friend! Love this picture of you, you have such a lovely smile and look at you making an apple pie!

    As for you comment, I usually do too. In fact, I usually can manage to get most or all of the dishes I used to prepare dinner washed or loaded into the dishwasher, or at least soaking in the bubbles.

    However, on the night where I have to run off to a church function I don't get it done if I'm running late.

    I love that you and your daughter had a late night (early morning?) baking session and a movie. How fun!
