Saturday, September 8, 2012

Painting and So Much More...

I always love watching Please Don’t Eat the Daisies, just to see this lovely kitchen and the cozy living room setting.

This apartment kitchen is bigger than mine. The living room is also much bigger. I always wonder why they say in the movie that the apartment is too small. It must be because they have no yard for the boys to run about .


Everything in my upper kitchen cabinets is emptied out onto the counter and the kitchen table – What a clutter.

I painted the cupboard and have waited for them to thoroughly dry. Now, at 4:30 or so this morning, as soon as I get off of this computer , I will be setting my kitchen back in order.

I am working on so many things right now. My darling husband is out of town for over a week, so it is a good time to get to my cleaning projects.

I have some new arrangements that I wanted to share, but my sweetie took the camera with him, so I cannot take any pictures. Not having a camera is difficult for me, for I so love to take pictures of everything! Oh well, I am really too busy to be taking photos right now.

Come back soon and visit again!



  1. Good Morning!

    Oh, I do love those old Doris Day movies.
    Our daughter is a huge fan of Doris Day, and has collected almost every movie she's ever done.

    How nice it will be to have freshly painted cupboards, and have everything organized!

    When we started fixing up this home, we waited to move in for about 2 months. One of the things that I wanted to get done, was to get the cupboards painted inside, and nice and dry, before we put anything in them. I'm so glad I did that.

    Enjoy this weekend. Sounds like it's going to be a busy, and productive one!


    1. Hello Kerin!

      Thank you for visiting me today and for following my blog...what fun!

      :) Hope

  2. Good afternoon, Hope~

    There is nothing that can freshen and brighten up a room faster than a coat of paint. I can't wait to see pictures of what you have been doing. I really need to do some more organizing and simplifying of our home. It's amazing how things have accumulated in our new place. It doesn't take long! LOL

    Love and hugs to you, my friend!

