Friday, November 2, 2012

A Time of Thanksgiving ~

Sandy @ HOB NOBBERS has a wonderful idea. She calls it ~


Sandy writes:
"Thanksliving this month! Instead of thanking God for our many blessings ON ONE DAY this month, let's thank Him EVERY DAY for all those things we receive, including those we often take for granted. Let's make this month a month of  THANKS-LIVING! Of living our lives in a moment to moment awareness of gratitude. It can change your life!
I'm going to post daily through the month of November expressing gratitude to God. Won't you join me?"


I certainly look forward to hopping over to see her daily notes of thanksgiving and share my own reasons to be thankful.


  1. Thanks for sharing about this on your blog! Absolutely don't mind you using my words! :)

  2. I'm thankful that my family and friends are safe from this storm. And for little blessings like my husband getting to his jobs safely, my baby celebrating another year, have food in our fridge...I know some people lost a lot in this storm so I am grateful for those things and more. xox

    1. Bunny,

      Thank you for sharing these wonderful reasons for thankfulness. It is good to remember how blessed we are.

      ♥ Hope

  3. Hello, my sweet friend.

    Love this post, and your attitude of gratitude!

    How blessed we are :)

    Have a nice weekend.


    Love the Fall look of your blog...darling!

  4. Though our Thanksgiving transpired here in Canada nearly a month ago, I always feel as though the whole of autumn well into the winter holiday season is a celebration of thanks, and like to share in the spirit of your holiday this month, too.

    Thank you very, very much for all of your wonderfully sweet, thoughtful blog comments, dear Hope. You are such a special, lovely soul.

    ♥ Jessica
