Saturday, November 17, 2012

This Is the Way We Wash Our Clothes

53 Weeks of Art

Week 4

George Dunlop Leslie - This Is the Way We Wash Our Clothes
George Dunlop Leslie - This Is the Way We Wash Our Clothes

While visiting Sandy's blog HOB NOBBERS, I came across her Pinterest link, where I saw her Art board (she has some very interesting boards). I found this precious painting there. Thanks, Sandy!


  1. What a charming painting. It instantly reminded me of hand washing my doll's clothes in a little plastic bowl when I was a wee youngster.

    Thank you deeply for all of your wonderful blog comments this week, sweet Hope. I sincerely appreciate them and always adore it when you stop by for a visit.

    ♥ Jessica

  2. I LOVE old vintage photos as you could see on my pinterest board!I have a similar one in my vintage laundry room.

    Thanks, Hope, for visiting my blog and your sweet comments! Also thanks for mentioning my little blog and for entering my Give Away!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

    sandy ;)

  3. Precious photo. I love vintage photos. There is such an innocence about them. Thanks for sharing. :) xoxo

  4. Hi Hope,

    I really love old photos too and isn't that a sweet one with the little washer girl.
    Also how sweet your paper doll Elizabeth is in the previous post.

    Happy weekend

  5. Hey! I nominated you for the Liebster Award! Check out my blog for details! :)

  6. Hello!

    I came over from Sandy's Hob Nobbers, and now am following, love this picture!

    Any vintage pictures catch my eye..

    Jan @ The pink Geranium

  7. This has always been a favorite painting of mine. Wishing you a very nice Thanksgiving. Mildred

  8. Hi, Hope,

    CONGRATULATIONS! You won my Hob Nobber give away!!!! I left a message at your Etsy shoppe about it because I couldn't find an e-mail address.

