Saturday, November 3, 2012

Lady With Red Roses

52 Weeks of Art 

Week ~ 2

so many lovely paintings
Source:  Pinterest

There is so much to love about this paining,

the colors,

the impression of quite tranquility,

the soft gentleness of the woman.

I don't know anything about art. All that matters to me is that it is beautiful


  1. I adore this painting, but haven't seen it in quite some time. I forgot just how similar the hues in it are to the colour palette of our master bedroom. Now I'm thinking how wonderful a framed print of it might be on our wall. Something to contemplate for sure.

    Wishing you a deeply lovely weekend, dear Hope,
    ♥ Jessica

  2. Hi! I'm here from the hop!!! Look forward to reading more of your blog. :)

    Jen @
    The Adventures of our Army Life

  3. Thank you for linking up sweetie, Looking forward to reading your posts and hope you have a wonderful weekend =) Would love to extend an invitation to join us in our New Year's Exchange (Info on my page)


  4. This is such a fantastic picture - love it! Enjoy your week :)


  5. This is a very lovely painting, indeed! I simply adore the roses in this painting (roses are my favorite flower).

    Sounds like you are having a delightful and comfortable weekend at home as well. :)
